The planet Cybertron is the birthplace of, and home to, all Cybertronian life.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise[]
After the restoration of the Well of All Sparks, Cybertron once again returned to a period of peace and prosperity. Statues commemorating various figures in the war were constructed. Lieutenant Bumblebee settled into a new life on the planet as a street patrol officer, but eventually returned to Earth via space bridge on the orders of a ghostly Optimus Prime. Cybertron is also ruled by a new Autobot High Council, who placed a bounty on Bumblebee's head for his illegal use of a space bridge and sent Jazz to Earth to respond to the distress signal from the Alchemor. After capturing Ped, Jazz promised he'd smooth things over with the council, but later Drift and Fracture (and their Mini-Cons) arrived on Earth to capture Bumblebee.
External links[]
- Cybertron from Transformers Titans Wikia
- Cybertron from Aliens Wikia
- Cybertron from Extraterrestial Wikia
- Cybertron from Beast Wars Wikia
- Cybertron (planet) from Transformers Wikia
- Cybertron (planet) from
- Cybertron from Robot Supremacy Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: War for Cybertron Wikia
- Cybertron from Michael Bay's Transformers Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: Dark of the Moon Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers: The Great War Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Titans: Animated Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Universe MUX Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers Prime Wikia
- Cybertron from Beast Wars Transformers Wikia
- Cybertron from Transformers2005 MUSH Wikia
- Cybertron from Memory Beta Wikia